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Canada government

Certificate/Diploma/Degree/Doctorate / Postdoctorate

Deadline: varied, July-December 2021
The next course begins in 2022


Each year, the CanadaConfederation awards Government Promotion Grants to promote international trade and research cooperation between South africa or more than 180 countries.

The research grant is available to all grades researchers in any discipline (at least with a Certificate/diploma/degree) who plan to come to Canada for further studies and the certificate of any fuculty or postgraduate studies.

Stofnun (ar) identifier:

One of the ten Canada universities, two Toronto university or other public and research institutions.

Level / study field:

Start from Certificate or post-doctorate in any discipline


More than 180 International Ama Passports. Consult a website for public opinion polls about perfect emissions.

Includes Scholarship:

Student will covered monthly payments, exemptions from tuition fees, medical insurance, airline fees, etc. housing allowance. I see real world sheets with bursary benefits.

Eligibility method:

Data sheets pertaining to the Consultant land with standard and specified eligibility procedures.

I-Application Instructions:

Consult country-specific data of eligibility process, application process, deadlines and specific country-specific contact details. If you meet the eligibility requirements, apply here

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